Our faculty members are our strength and are responsible for the excellence of our programs. In the class room, one will encounter researchers, scholars, consultants and above all gifted and dedicated teachers. These are individuals who have a passion and flair for teaching and do it extremely well by blending their practical experiences with theoretical concepts. They make themselves available for after-class discussion and devote long hours as advisors and mentors of our students.
These are also the people who work at the intersection of the Institute and the Industry. In order to cater to the varied areas of intrest of students, we have a well qualified faculty who are equipped with the latest knowledge in their respective fields. Their dedicated contribution to the development of the students and the Institute is immense.
We also draw eminent faculty having hands-on experience in different functional areas with useful insights into growing demands on Management Education.
Director, ESCI
Principal, SPGS.
Sr. Faculty
Sr. Faculty
Sr Faculty
Sr. Faculty
Sr. Faculty
Sr. Faculty
Sr. Faculty
Sr. Faculty